Join Our Lab 

The Hayes lab is always looking for talented scientists to join our team. We are currently seeking applicants at all levels!  

Dr. Hayes is a member of the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology (MMP), the Molecular Biology Institute (MBI), Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC), and the Broad Stem Cell Research Center (BSCRC). If you are a current graduate student who would like to rotate in our laboratory, please send Dr. Hayes an email expressing your interest. 

We are seeking applicants for postdoctoral fellow positions in our laboratory. Our lab takes a multidisciplinary approach to science, so we welcome applicants from a broad variety of scientific backgrounds with a strong interest in cancer biology (i.e.: computational biologists, biochemists, immunologists, structural biologists, etc.).  

If you’re interested, please email Dr. Hayes, and include the following: 

  • A cover letter summarizing your doctoral research, current research interests, why you are interested in our lab, and your short- and long-term career goals 
  • CV summarizing past academic, professional and research experience  
  • The names of three potential references 

If you are interested in working with our group, we require the following: 

  • A minimum commitment of 12 hours/week 
  • Juniors to enroll in SRP99
  • Seniors to enroll in SRP199

Collaborate with Our Lab 

We are always looking for new collaborators. If your research interests align with ours, please email Dr. Hayes. 

For all inquiries, please email Dr. Hayes. 

Email Dr. Hayes